


White – color of purity, innocence, goodness, light, perfection, and cleanliness.


White walls are all that surround us, most of the time they go unnoticed blending into the background. For a prison inmate white walls are all they have to look at. White walls are all that surrounds a prisoner in their canceled cell. These “jail cells” are a metaphor for life. We are continually lost without the acknowledgement of what resides within us regardless if you are living without the restraint of the physical “walls” or you’re an actual convict. Mercy has been bestowed upon us prisoners. We have an alternative; we have the decision to live the purpose lead life that was intended only because of this mercy. God granted us the opportunity to live in the realm “White Clouds” instead of the confinement of world “White Walls” by giving up his only Son; we have the choice to live beyond these confined walls “prison cells” in the true place we were meant to, I like to call this place “White Clouds.” Living in the realm of White Clouds is living without fear, hopelessness or judgment. It’s living in a state that is literally heaven on earth. There is only one-way to get to this place and that’s accepting the Lord and Jesus as your Savior. Blessed we are that our God has unbelievable patience and love for every one of his children, doesn’t matter how young or old you are, what you’ve done or how far off track you may have gone astray. You will always have the ability to reach White Clouds. You have the choice to live within the imprisonment of White Walls or with the freedom of White Clouds. Although this retribution doesn’t come without suffering, there is undeniably nothing more worthy or deserving of the pain you will indefinitely have endure in this life, than Jesus Christ. The man who died for our wicked souls so we could have a chance to live in the unlimiting "White Clouds" with him not just after death but here on earth. Whatever you decide to accept for your life on earth just know that you don’t have to look far for these "White Clouds" because they have and forever will be right within you. It’s always been within you; everything you have ever needed and wanted is right inside of you. It’ll always be there no matter how far off track you may go. The place within you was created for a purpose. I think white embodies everything worth living for in this world. White is the color of the surrendering flag. This white flag represents the first step to true freedom; this flag represents the ticket to the "White Clouds."  When you surrender your life to what’s right inside of you, to the Creator and not the creations, you will watch the barred doors of your prison cell slid open; you will no longer be confined to the White Walls and forever in the freedom of the "White Clouds." He's waiting for you and longing for a chance to continue the relationship that he has always planned for you, join him in the place that all humans were created to live in.


Amanda Hyatt